Wednesday 5 September 2007

Ruby's So Excited!

I decided to have a quick ride after work on Monday evening while Annie was lunging Zorya. Apparently Smem was supposed to ride but didn't get up until late etc etc and didn't manage to ride so Annie was on exercise duties!

I decided to stick to the set-aside. There's a really really huge field with a good headland all the way round so we did a walk and trot round to warm up then we managed to canter down one whole side. Probably about a quarter of a mile. Then had a little jump over a fallen branch. I say a fallen branch, it was little more than a twig but Ruby was very keen and got all excited and flew over it a couple of times.
That was enough for me. I really must have some lessons. Ruby's great cos she adores jumping but I always worry that she's going to trip over or something stoopid because she has her own very distinct style.

But she can jump! The day she arrived, we turned her out in the paddock. After a few minutes' consideration she walked away from the fence, turned and trotted two strides then jumped into the next field. Fortunately she didn't know what to do next so just stood still until I caught her. The fence comes up to my chest and I'm 5ft 8! Smem swears she jumped over this hedge too - once with her on board and once with her friend, Hattie, riding. I kept thinking 'no that's not possible' but I keep the photo on my phone so I can threaten to show it to Hattie's mum! They're still at an age where they have no fear. Doobie does love jumping and I'm sure she knows that's what she's going to be doing. She's like a different horse!

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