Sunday 9 September 2007

Bouncing Like Tigger

Today we took Zorya loose schooling again. This time in the outdoor school, so there were a few distractions, namely the horses in the next field who thought she looked a bit nice!
After a few goes round riderless, we tacked Zorya up and Emma got Smem to go at a nice steady trot, with lots of outside rein to help Zoy bend her body better. I know, it sounds a bit wierd that you have to keep your outside rein tight for a good inside bend but it works. It also makes Smem ride as though she'd holding a tray but I expect it'll feel more natural eventually!

Then she had a go at the bounce. Now normally it's impossible to get Zorya to jump from a trot so they've been practicing so she's more able to pick her own stride. It certainly seems to be working. Next week we're concentrating on canter. Going right back to basics seems to be working well. Fingers Crossed!

I want to try it with Ruby! It might improve my balance!

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