Wednesday 21 May 2008

Back on the Road Again

Well the motorway anyhow. The truck's been poorly since Christmas and I eventually got it fixed a couple of weeks ago with the encouragement of other members of the Daihatsu Drivers Club and quite a bit of help from our local mechanic, Keith.

The first outing for Brucie (the truck) was a week last Sunday to a local show. After one fence down in the Novice Working Hunter, Smem took Zorya in the big class, did a lovely clear round and impressed the judge enough to give her first. She did go beautifully.

Today we braved the motorway to take Ruby for her second scan. The last time indicated she had two fertilised eggs so I had to be there for the scan just in case any 'decisions' had to be made because Annie couldn't get time off. Smem had an exam this afternoon so she helped me box up and then I had to go on my own (with Ruby of course). It's not far - about 30 miles and very easy to get to but still a bit worrying. I've only driven with a trailer about 8 times in my whole life so it's always a bit of an adventure. My main worry was how I was going to reverse the trailer back into its parking space when I got back!

When we got there the vet was stitching up one horse so I had a chat while he was doing that. Then got Ruby unloaded. The vet commented that every time he sees Ruby she's bigger than he expects. She's supposed to be 16.2 but we reckon she's about 17.1 at the moment but she always seems loads bigger because she holds her head so high. Especially when you're trying to put her bridle on. Although she is a BIG horse she's actually not wide so is a very comfortable ride.

Anyway, after a bit of poking around one big black spot showed up on screen and there was no sign of another one lurking anywhere. So it's back in 10 days time for another scan to make sure she's taken properly.

Until then, let's keep everything crossed!

Sunday 11 May 2008

It's Twins AGAIN!

A bit early to say whether one or both will take (she's going back for a scan on 21st) but it appears to be twins again. Fingers crossed they find just one healthy embryo firmly implanted.

Friday 2 May 2008

Update on Ruby

Just a quick update on the Ruby front....

She was scanned on Monday and gave no sign of being in season. Had a second scan today and they're going to give her a go tomorrow.

Will be keeping everything crossed. I really don't want her to be injected to bring her into season this time. Not that I really think it caused the twin pregnancy last time but the less stress for her the better. And the less they're likely to get on her wrong side! And Zorya wants her home!

I like Rising Rainbow's idea of pinning a foal down when it's small. I'm pretty darned sure no-one did that with Ruby!