Tuesday 28 August 2007

Why tidying up is bad

Because normally I can make a good guess at where something might be by working out where I was when I used it last. Hence losing my USB camera cable. Of course it's either upstairs by my pc or on the dining table from when I last used my laptop. But no, it was nowhere to be seen. Did I leave it at Annie's? I did have it at Annies but she says it's not there.

I eventually found it in my laptop bag. Why was it there? No idea. Even my laptop doesn't live in my laptop bag!

More posts and possibly pics later. Off on a jaunt with Smem. Also hoping to get a new gullet for Ruby's wintec as Zorya's saddle no longer seems to fit either her or her rider.


ra said...

"a new gullet for Ruby's wintec "

no sorry, you just made that up didn't you?

Caroline said...

Nope. I'll take a photo of the old one if you like.