Sunday 5 August 2007

Herding Cows

I just had to nick this piccy off ra's blog (knit-tigger) just to show Tiger being useful. OK so we were out on a walk and we didn't actually need the cows to follow us but it's a lot easier than chasing round after the little darlings! He does actually herd them properly when he's out in the field and helps to move them from one place to another. He prefers sheep though. They're more his size. And they don't tend to kick if they get annoyed, unlike cows!

On a grimmer note, Tiger won't be doing any country walks in the near future as there's been an outbreak of the dreaded Foot and Mouth. It sounds as though they've brought in movement restrictions much quicker than last time, which is a blessing. Hopefully they have it contained. It'll be another few days before they work out exactly where it's come from though.

We weren't too badly affected last time, but it still made life difficult. Not nearly as difficult as it was for those that had their farms quarantined, then lost all their stock and had to make the mamoth decision on whether to give up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those dreaded words make your blood run cold, even from this distance!

Hope it was all caught and quarantined in time. We'll be thinking of you all and keeping an eye on the news!!!