Sunday 26 August 2007

Mostly I have been....

Cutting the hedge.

I got up at some ungodly hour while it was still cool and spent most of the morning cutting the hedge in the back garden. I had intended to get the boy Thos to help me in the garden this week so that he could earn some money and I could get it in some sort of order. Silly boy went and did his knee in at Rugby Trials on Wednesday. He's now on crutches and can't drive and his (we're not going out with eachother) friend Claire is having to run round after him. More fool her! Hopefully he's not torn any ligaments, otherwise it'll be a long job. I've decided that Smem can help me instead, although it will mean I'll have to drive to the tip!

Yesterday morning was spent watching Smem and Zorya at Horseball Practice. Can I just say that it was a little more sedate than the full on version shown on the British Horseball Association's website. Even so, I was quite impressed. For a highly strung thoroughbred, Zorya does do a passable impression of a gymkhana pony. Totally unphased by balls flying around her head. Smem can't get quite low enough to pick up the ball off the floor but I think if she tried it on a smaller horse to get the knack, she'd soon be able to do it on Zorya too. There was a lot of walking and passing the ball down the line, then doing the same at a trot.

Her friend's pony, Ramin, is great at it of course (he's good at nearly everything he does and is very sweet natured as well). He can even canter the perfect 20 metre circle with no reins! They had a short game at the end of the practice and Smem and Cait's natural competitiveness and sporting skills were evident. Gosh those girls aren't afraid to go in for the tackle! Zorya did get a bit excited when she broke free of the defence and cantered off to score a goal. There was definitely a little buck in there! Just another thing for Smem to get involved in! She really is one of those people who wants to do everything and do it well!

I took my camera with me, hoping to get a shot of them parting company as Smem leaned down to try to get the ball but they managed to stay together. I did get some short video clips of them practising but unfortunately I can't find the USB lead for my camera so I can't download them! BOO! No photos either.


1 comment:

Rising Rainbow said...

Oh, thank you for this link. I had no clue about horse ball. It sounds like fun and sure would be a good thing for Rachel. She is struggling with working her horse off of her legs instead of using her hands off of his mouth. I'm sure something fun like this would be a much better incentive. I'm going to have to do some more research.