Thursday 1 November 2007

I've lost my mount...

Yes, I'm used to losing Ruby to Annie and Smem (after all she does actually belong to Annie) but it gets a bit much when BiL starts riding her too! He went out for a hack with Smem today and apparently Ruby was very good, which is nice because he's a bit of a novice and she can take the mickey if you let her.

And when she decides she's had enough....... She has been quite bouncy lately too. I took her out on Sunday and although she'd had a very hard day the day before she still wanted to play in the stream and jump in and out of the water. She also took a very dim view having to stand still while Zorya had a bit of a canter. Not galloping off into the distance, just trotting and cantering in circles - very sedately. (Oh, forgot to mention, all this was after Ruby forgot the clocks had changed and decided to help herself to breakfast - namely Zorya's bin of build-up mix!)
Funnily enough though she doesn't pull at all and I really like the new bit. It seems to suit her much more than either the loose ring or the drop cheek (baucher) snaffle


Rising Rainbow said...

Lost permanently or for the afternoon? Sharing horses is not fun if you ask me.

Caroline said...

Just for a few days. He's not that keen but likes to keep his hand in. He doesn't do any of the looking after or running round after them or stuff like that.