Monday 31 August 2009

New Baby

This is my new Timbertop Thurmaston, purchased from Farnham on Saturday. I seriously thought the lady who was selling it wouldn't let me take it away unless I proved I could spin properly with it. She insisted on me having a go on it for about half an hour. ra had a go too. It's lovely and spins really beautifully, and it's in lovely condition. Made of Yew wood, it's marked as 89 (made in 1989) 1378 (Mr Williamson's 1378th wheel).

Since I got it home, I've spun and plied 2 skeins of brown Shetland and I'm just starting on some grey. It treadles beautifully but it's more highly geared than I'm used to, but I am slowly getting more control.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isn't that beautiful!!!
When can I come and have a play?