Friday 24 July 2009

Wots Been Occurring?

Well, lots! This is the first photograph of Kanga, born 17th April at the Louella Stud.

Because we weren't sure how Ruby's previous foalings had gone, we thought it wise to send her back to the stud, where they've got lots of experience and a vet on call. Sadly this meant that we weren't present at
the birth but they did a grand job and Kanga arrived safely. Ruby was an absolute star. She was totally unphased by all the fuss and was quite happy to let us touch the baby when we went to see them the following day. Kanga was a bit shy at first but, once she'd had her bottom scratched, became VERY friendly. We had to stop doing it because she got into the habit of reversing into you whenever she wanted a scratch and she's turned out to be a real groomer, which is lovely, but a bit disconcerting! Because her legs were so long, her joints were a bit flexible so she had to spend most of the first week in the stable with short forays into the paddock.

Her confident personality showed right from day one and on the day we took her home, we reversed the trailer up the the American Barn and led Ruby down the walkway with the foal supposedly following on behind. Only she didn't follow, she strode up the ramp into the trailer as if she was an old hand!

You can see in this photo how big she was (she's about 12 hours old here) as Ruby's a very big girl at 17.1hh.

Since coming home, Kanga's been taught how to lead on her own (she has her own ideas about it but is usually quite good, ), grow at an incredible rate, lost most of her baby fluff, been to two shows, won three rosettes some money AND a cup!

And stolen the hearts of
just about everyone who's met her! And she doesn't even have a proper name yet. Daddy is Primitive Proposal and Mummy's Legal Reputation. We've had a view ideas but can't agree!

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