Thursday 5 June 2008

A change is as good as a rest

Ruby had a holiday in Scotland last week. Maybe not the best thing to do in the early stages of pregnancy, but apparently both she and Zorya really enjoyed themselves. On the way home they dropped her off at the stud ready for her scan on Monday.

She's still pregnant! Hurrah! Now she won't need a further scan til September.
I hope she'll still be able to take it easy and put her hooves up now and then. I have a sneaky feeling someone has decided to take her to camp! She can be grumpy enough at the best of times. Goodness knows what she'd going to be like when she's constantly hormonal.
Do horses get cravings?
(this picture shows Ruby's love of water. She just can't get enough of the stuff, she'll even dig for it!)


Rising Rainbow said...

Not that I', aware of but they do normally get quieter and more mellow.

Matt said...

How does one stay on a horse that is digging for water?

Caroline said...

I think it's just a case of leaning back and if you think they're going to try to get down and roll, give them a good dig in the ribs! Fortunately I wasn't the one riding her at the time!