Saturday 14 July 2007

Another tiring week

This week has absolutely flown by and although I'm incredibly tired I really feel I've achieved something at work.
I've spent the majority of each day locked in the training room with one of my colleagues and a very good trainer from our software supplier and my head's totally spinning. I know it probably sounds quite sad but I can't wait to get back to work on Monday so I can put stuff I learned into practice.
I'm working on a big process implementation that's got to be in by the end of September and up til now I only had the vaguest idea of how we were going to achieve it. Things are getting a bit less vague but there are still gaps so there will be more in house training next week. I think my head may explode!
This week also saw my last watercolour class until the autumn. I know I'm going to miss it terribly. Not that I'm much good at it but Wednesday evenings are wonderful because I get totally immersed in what I'm doing and the rest of the world just seems to go away. Until January I'd never painted in watercolour at all. In fact I hadn't even picked up a paintbrush in anger for about 20 years! I'm pleased with how it's going but I'm still not convinced that this is the medium for me but it was the only painting class on offer! Our tutor, Mel, is great. He's not really a watercolourist either and paints mainly in acrylic or oils. I particularly like the one of Shenton Phone Box.

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